One of the most vital, if basic, elements of operating a successful practice is effective infection control. Infection control is right up there with “doors” in level of necessity to your practice.
Each year, the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) holds an infection control training program. The course is a can’t-miss event for infection control gatekeepers in private and large dental practices, dental schools, dental hygiene and dental assisting programs and Federally Qualified Health Centers.
The event provides the opportunity to:
- Verify competency in dental infection control and safety principles
- Review the latest information on the implementation and management of effective infection control and occupational health and safety (OSHA) programs
- Ensure participants understand and can implement behavioral change theory in their practice environments
- Achieve a consistent level of competency among dental infection control gatekeepers, trainers, educators and consultants
The 12th Annual OSHA/Infection Control 101 course will be held in San Antonio from January 7-10, 2013. This premier infection control event is open to private practice dental personnel, those on the front line of patient and care-giver safety and infection prevention, as well those in public and institutional settings.
The most impressive part of this valuable training: 28 hours of CE credit for only $200! In addition, there are discount rate hotel rooms still available. For more information or to register, visit the OSAP’s event page.