With the addition of Line Item Accounting in Eaglesoft 16, and the ability to assign, unassign and reassign credits, the Credit Distribution Audit Trail was added to track these changes. The Credit Distribution Audit Trail report will show all credits that were not only posted...
When a problem arises in your office or practice, your people often look to you to take action and provide a solution. And as a leader or manager, it is...
At Patterson, we’re committed to doing our part to help underserved people get the dental care they need. We know that improving children’s oral health is a joint effort involving...
So when you see the title of my blog today do you think it would make a great title for a novel about the English settlers? Well, I’m not ready to...
As U.S.-based dental practitioners know, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and its implementing regulations require healthcare providers to train staff regularly on policies and procedures to safeguard...
Our Eaglesoft Practicing with the Masters webinar series has been around for awhile now and we have heard rave reviews! Through these webinars, we bring industry leaders to you, allowing...
When it comes to tooth-whitening products and services, dental practices are able to offer more to their patients than retailers can. Between in-office and take-home whitening solutions, dentists have a...
Since I started writing posts for this blog, I’ve been keeping track of all the questions and concerns that come to me. I get questions from sales reps who work...
Happy New Year! Now it is time to get to work on those resolutions. (In case you missed it, Mahlia Matsch, from our human resources department, had a wonderful post...
One of the most vital, if basic, elements of operating a successful practice is effective infection control. Infection control is right up there with “doors” in level of necessity to...
Remember the song that those lyrics come from? Bryan Adams sang it … It was the theme song for the movie “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” starring Kevin Costner …...
As Jenny pointed out yesterday, the Patterson Technology products are excellent in helping you get ready for the end of 2012. Did you know PattersonDental.com also has some helpful tools...
Doing good can help generate positive publicity for your dental practice. Patients select their dental provider based on what they know about them. This information could come from a variety...
Seems like a silly statement, doesn’t it? Well, I’ll take that a step further and say your dental practice SHOULD be fun. It should be a fun place, not just...
What does your Facebook cover photo say about you? One of the biggest visual additions of the 2012 Timeline redesign was that of the cover photo. The cover photo is...
When we talk about technology, we often talk about new technology products that can be incorporated into a practice, but let’s not overlook the intraoral camera. This small, handheld device...
This short post makes one assumption up front – that you at least know a little bit about Pinterest and may be using it personally. If not, you can get...
It’s part of daily life for every dental practice: cleaning and sterilizing instruments. Yet, when surveyed which ultrasonic cleaning solution they use to clean their instruments, the majority of dental...
I love talking about technology with today’s dental students. First, there is no fear of the learning curve. They have no preconceived ideas of how a dental practice runs. These...