How to reduce cancellations and increase case acceptance with patient engagement

Focusing on maintaining your current patient base by deepening your patient connections can result in a more rewarding experience that keeps patients returning to your practice for years to come. Here are a few ways to stay in touch with your patients and make the most out of the time you have them in office.

The 3 E’s to dental patient retention and treatment acceptance

When patients leave your chair, do you wonder when – or if – they’ll be back? With estimates that most general dental practices have an average recall time of 11 months, a new patient retention rate of 40% and an average of $1 million in unscheduled treatment plans, you’re not alone.

How No-Shows Become Lost Patients

Patients become no-shows for a variety of reasons, and the impact that has on a dental practice is well documented. Finances, fear, forgetfulness, transportation and last-minute issues can all lead to a no-show. But there is another side to the no-show issue that is important to recognize: a no-show patient may be looking to receive care from somewhere else.

Keeping up With Demand: A New Practice Faces Questions About the Future

For many new and longtime dental practices, the thought of expansion can be daunting. Questions persist about how to take on more patients in an existing space and whether the adoption of newer technology will help dentists deliver services faster. But with the help of Patterson Dental educator Kathy Brodal, a new practice in North Dakota reached its goals in less than six years.