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Are you wondering if a social media policy is necessary for your practice? And what if you aren’t marketing with social media – do you still need a policy? Certified Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) and dental management consultant Ginny Hegarty answers these questions, and more, for me, social media marketing consultant…. Watch this 10-minute video interview and learn some valuable information that applies to every practice.

About Post Author
Rita Zamora
<a href="" />Rita Zamora</a> is an authority in social media marketing and training for dental professionals. She and her team specialize in training clients for independence so they can manage social media themselves. Rita is a highly sought after speaker and consultant. Her clients are located across the United States and internationally. Learn more:
This interview was amazing! Thank you for posting it. This is such a hot topic and most practices are faced with situations that we’ve never dealt with before. The information that you’ve given in this interview is invaluable!
Nice post thanks for sharing a great post with us