At the Sirona 3D Summit in New York in June, Bob Creamer led a session that discussed the importance of investing in your practice. He provided a highly entertaining view of tax laws, investment strategies, and how to let your practice investments determine your future. But through all of this, his message led back to one very important thing: the best time to start investing in your practice is right now.
As Creamer noted, many dentists wait until late November to talk with their accountant about what their annual investment into the practice should be. It’s at that point that many realize they still have funds they should invest. The next few weeks are spent determining what that investment should be and what can be invoiced and installed prior to year-end. This can cause a lot of stress in the practice for the dentist due to compressed timelines and holidays, but you can protect yourself from this fate by taking simple steps NOW.
What are these steps? For starters, talk with your accountant on a regular basis. They’ll be able to keep you informed on your annual investments so you know if you’re on target. Second, consider what your practice’s objectives and visions are. Patterson’s technology and equipment experts can help you figure out what new, integrated and advanced equipment can help your practice achieve its goals. You can benefit from all of these investments immediately and generate excitement in the office, not to mention get your staff proficiently trained before the holidays are upon us. Yes, it’s only July, but December is just around the corner…
So don’t push off the inevitable – start investing in your practice today!