Always on the lookout for fresh Facebook post ideas that elicit great engagement from your patients and prospective patients? Here’s an idea that seems to work every time.
Think about something in your community that people will have varying opinions about. It’s probably best (as it always is) to avoid highly controversial topics.
Then, ask the question!
Here’s a great example of a Daily Kickstart Idea & Graphic that we recently sent to our clients for them to post on their wall:
The number one objective for a dental practice’s Facebook page is to increase patient engagement. Period. End of discussion. Why? Because Facebook uses an algorithm called EdgeRank. EdgeRank considers every piece of content an “object,” and every interaction with that object has an “edge.”
Facebook’s goal is to deliver relevant content to each unique viewer based on what EdgeRank believes is most important to that viewer. How does EdgeRank know? It guesses, based on that person’s interaction with objects.
The more your patients and prospective patients engage with your posts (comment on, Like, and share), the more often they’ll start seeing more of your content.
Moving patients toward greater retention, increased referrals and higher AVP dollars spent in the practice first requires that you nurture the platform where these messages are communicated. Engaging posts help you earn the trust and the right to market to this audience.
What do you think? Can you add another idea to this conversation?
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