What is the case acceptance percentage in your practice? This is a difficult question to answer for most practices but one of the key statistics to know and understand. This...
When Laura Hatch and her husband, dentist Anthony Hatch, opened the doors at their Maryland practice in 2003, they chose a rock and roll theme that has carried over to...
After talking about local search for dental practices last month, I’m following up this month by outlining four things that are critical to getting your on-page SEO strategy moving in...
“I don’t have time!” If you've ever uttered those words in a moment of frustration, you are not alone. Marketing, practice/insurance management, coding/billing, HR and compliance are just a few...
Are you one of the many practice owners with a New Year’s goal of increasing the number of patients you see this year? If so, good for you! But remember,...
When it comes to ensuring that a customer understands the value of an important investment in any business, oftentimes seeing is believing. Wise consumers like to educate themselves before proceeding...
I never had to be concerned about data management before. Why now? Electronic data management may be relatively new to our industry but as the reliance on the volumes of...
Planning your day for maximum productivity is an important task for everyone. At home and at work, successful days begin with the end in mind. Dedicating time for a quick...
Here at RevenueWell, we've helped thousands of dental offices eliminate the need to manually send letters and postcards for a host of common communications. From recalls and patient reactivation to...
It is very common in dental offices to be frustrated with the effort to get ideal new patients coming through their doors. What is ideal for you? Patients who come...
Time clock management, it’s one of the least desirable jobs as an office manager. Fortunately most team members understand the importance of clocking in and out responsibly. Unfortunately, there are...
If you’re a frequent reader of Off The Cusp, then you’ll know we cover a lot of topics and hear from a lot of different contributors who have a huge...
Whether you’ve just purchased your own dental practice or have been managing a practice for years, you’ll want to plan your practice growth to ensure that your long-term business and...
Have you had this experience? You come into work Monday morning and your doctor comes up to you and is so excited and says “I went to this class over...
How many times have you told one of your close friends that you would “keep in touch” or that you would “give them a call so you can get together...
Last month I outlined some basics to consider for dental practice SEO. To continue this conversation I want to discuss certain topics in more detail. This month I’m discussing local...
For many patients, getting to see the hygienist whom they have become accustomed to is something to look forward to when attending regular hygiene appointments. Much like having a favorite...
Are you wondering what’s happening in social media today? What’s working - and what's not? What are we seeing? According to Pew Internet Project’s research, 74% of online adults use social...
I do not watch a lot of television; however, being a huge football fan my television stays on more often than not these days. I love watching the game, and...
As a business owner, if you have clearly set your vision in front of your team and received their complete buy-in toward that effort, you are now faced with the...
“So how do you put a geeky germophobe to good use? Make him office manager.” This is the introduction to Mike Cruz, Office Manager at Dee for Dentist Family &...
Knock, Knock Who’s there? OCR OCR, who? Oh see, are your HIPAA Policies up to date? According to the 2011 Second Annual Benchmark Study on Patient Privacy & Data Security...
Every practice has to grow and change to keep up with the demands of an ever-evolving dental marketplace. One challenge we have as practice administrators is how to implement this...
“How full should my hygiene schedule be?” or “What’s an acceptable amount of open time?” are two frequently asked questions. The initial answer is “completely full, all the time,” but...
With technology’s ever-changing products, I am excited for our customers to have this great product available. With Eaglesoft 17, offices have the ability to manage their critical data from the...
Since your patients are the reason you do what you do, everything should revolve around understanding how many patients you serve. How do you know when it’s time to add...
If so many teens find Facebook uncool, is it still worth your marketing spend? Consider the reason Facebook is no longer cool in teenagers’ minds – teachers, moms, dads and...
In February of this year the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) announced its plans for the Phase 2 mandatory HIPAA compliance audits. Since that time, several details surrounding the HIPAA...
Over the past few months, we’ve all watched as the Ebola situation has continued to evolve, with the US encountering its first diagnosed case on September 30th. As we learn more...
The patient experience begins the moment they call your practice. Actually, it began when they made the decision to call your office to make the appointment. That is when they...