Dental industry news, trends and information from Patterson Dental.
Author: Roy Shelburne, DDS
Dr Roy Shelburne is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Dentistry and practiced in Pennington Gap, VA for 27 years. He worked with Baptist Medical Dental Mission International from 1997 to 2006 and served as president of the Southwest Virginia Dental Association and preceptor for the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry. In 2008, Dr Shelburne began serving a 19-month prison sentence for health care fraud, racketeering and structuring. He learned the hard way that ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law. Today, Dr Shelburne is free, has gone through the detailed process of getting his license reinstated, and is practicing dentistry again in Virginia. He is a speaker, writer and consultant specializing in record keeping, billing/coding and office efficiency.
Having some knowledge of the importance of the clinical record and how that record can protect and defend the doctor and the practice, I’m asked to conduct independent audits of...