Dental industry news, trends and information from Patterson Dental.
Author: Katherine Eitel
Katherine Eitel is an international speaker and coach best known for her customized programs developing phenomenal, non-scripted telephone and client service skills, personal and professional greatness, and intuitive team leadership as well as train-the-trainer and executive speaker’s programs. With 25 years experience, her revolutionary training company, Lioness Learning, helps hundreds of dental and discretionary healthcare practices and corporate teams achieve extraordinary results. Her Lion Camp Leadership Experience in San Diego is the premier Team Retreat for professionals and healthcare teams nationwide. Spotlight-On-Speaking winner, National Speaker’s Association member, Speaking Consulting Network board member, past-president of the Academy of Dental Management Consultants.
As a business owner, if you have clearly set your vision in front of your team and received their complete buy-in toward that effort, you are now faced with the...