Managing Aerosols in the Dental Office is Not a New Idea!

The simplest way to prevent aerosol generation in the dental office is to use equipment that does not generate aerosols. For dental hygienists, during the COVID-19 pandemic this has meant little to no use of ultrasonic scaling equipment, a greater reliance on hand scaling and an increased risk of hand and wrist fatigue. The AeroPro Cordless Prophy Handpiece System is one solution.

Dental Practice Inventory: 7 Tips to Finding the Right Balance

Keeping an appropriately stocked inventory of materials and instruments is a bit of a balancing act. You have limited space, but you have a busy practice. You don’t want to be short of a material in the middle of an emergency procedure, but you also don’t want to keep whitening gel past its expiration date because you ordered too much.

Pediatric Safety: Protecting Both Oral and Overall Health

Almost a year since the COVID-19 pandemic forced public awareness of PPE, disinfection practices and social distancing, even those who were previously compliant with biannual dental visits may think that unless something is noticeably wrong, in-office dental care can be postponed indefinitely. But reassuring adults is only one challenge, another highly important task is conveying to parents what efforts your practice is making to maintain a child-safe environment.