Managing Aerosols in the Dental Office is Not a New Idea!

The simplest way to prevent aerosol generation in the dental office is to use equipment that does not generate aerosols. For dental hygienists, during the COVID-19 pandemic this has meant little to no use of ultrasonic scaling equipment, a greater reliance on hand scaling and an increased risk of hand and wrist fatigue. The AeroPro Cordless Prophy Handpiece System is one solution.

Dental Practice Inventory: 7 Tips to Finding the Right Balance

Keeping an appropriately stocked inventory of materials and instruments is a bit of a balancing act. You have limited space, but you have a busy practice. You don’t want to be short of a material in the middle of an emergency procedure, but you also don’t want to keep whitening gel past its expiration date because you ordered too much.

Pediatric Safety: Protecting Both Oral and Overall Health

Almost a year since the COVID-19 pandemic forced public awareness of PPE, disinfection practices and social distancing, even those who were previously compliant with biannual dental visits may think that unless something is noticeably wrong, in-office dental care can be postponed indefinitely. But reassuring adults is only one challenge, another highly important task is conveying to parents what efforts your practice is making to maintain a child-safe environment.

The Key Hire Every Productive Dental Office Needs To Make in 2021

If you ask any dentist about the biggest problem they have in running their practice, invariably the answer will point, in one way or another, to staffing issues. But new hires is not always the best solution. Automating tasks like processing new patient information, triaging after-hours emergencies, medical prescreening, and curbside check-ins relieve your overburdened team members to be able to do what they do best; take care of patients.

How No-Shows Become Lost Patients

Patients become no-shows for a variety of reasons, and the impact that has on a dental practice is well documented. Finances, fear, forgetfulness, transportation and last-minute issues can all lead to a no-show. But there is another side to the no-show issue that is important to recognize: a no-show patient may be looking to receive care from somewhere else.